Как заботятся о пингвинах в Новой Зеландии (A2/B1)

Как заботятся о пингвинах в Новой Зеландии (A2/B1)

Некоторые английские газеты можно начинать читать даже на уровне Elementary! Прочитайте вместе с нами короткую и забавную статью из британского издания THE Guardian.

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New Zealand town builds underpass for march of the penguins

Private tunnel is designed to aid commute of world’s smallest penguin to sea and help them avoid traffic and tourists New Zealand - A group of small blue penguins in New Zealand have had their own underpass built to protect them from traffic and give them privacy from tourists keen to take pictures.

The passage was built to help the birds commute between their nests and the sea at Oamaru Harbour, Otago, on the east coast of the South Island. They are members of the world’s smallest penguin species, typically about 30cm (1ft) tall and weighing around 1kg (2lb).

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“The project was supported by the local Waitaki district council, as well as a number of private businesses who offered labour, materials, and advice,” Jason Gaskill, the general manager of Tourism Waitaki Limited, said.

Power and water supply lines were moved so the 25m (80ft) tunnel could be positioned along the penguins’ usual route, New Zealand media said.

Blue penguins, which are also found along the coastlines of southern Australia, usually live up to 10 years and walk on land with a distinct forward stoop.



a private tunnel – личный тоннель;

to design – здесь: строить, конструировать;

to aid – помогать;

to commute – добираться туда и обратно;

to avoid – избегать;

traffic –дорожное движение;

to be keen to - очень хотеть, стремиться;

to take pictures - фотографировать;

the passage –переход, коридор;

nest – гнездо;

нarbour – гавань, порт;

east coast –восточное побережье;

island – остров;

species – вид, виды;

to weigh -весить;

around 1kg – около одного килограмма;

to support –поддерживать;

local –местный;

district –район;

council – орган местного самоуправления;

offer – предлагать;

labou – физический труд ;

advice – совет;

power supply lines – линии подачи энергии, электросети;

water supply lines – водопровод, подача воды;

to be positioned – быть расположенным;

route – маршрут;

find – находить;

along the coastline –вдоль побережья;

to walk on land –ходить по земле;

distinct – отличительный;

forward stoop (stoop forward) –наклон вперед, (согнуться вперед).

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