Пример сочинения по английскому ЕГЭ

Темы некоторых сочинений эссе по английскому языку ЕГЭ имеют неясные и запутанные формулировки. Что делать в этом случае? В таких сочинениях очень важно уже во вступительной части детализировать формулировку вопроса, сделать ее четкой, ясной и понятной.


Вопрос  «Some people think that Russian is easier to learn than English. Do you agree or disagree?» является размытым и непонятным. О чем он? Об изучении русскими школьниками русского  и английского языков? Об изучении английского языка  русскими, а русского языка  английскими студентами? Об изучении русского и английского как иностранных языков? Какие две точки зрения нужно сравнивать?

Познакомьтесь с примерами сочинений на данную тему и комментариями к ним.


Learning foreign languages is always hard work. Are some foreign languages easier to learn than others? There is an opinion that Russian is easier to learn as a foreign language than English. The opposing opinion is also popular.

I support the opposing viewpoint. The main reason is that there are much more materials in bookshops and online for learning the English language than the Russian language. As a result, with this wide variety learning English is quicker, more effective and more interesting in comparison to learning Russian.  In addition, using the Internet as a tool for leaning a foreign language is more effective with those students who try to master English but not Russian. For example, people from different countries communicate online in English. This gives an opportunity to English learners to practise their English and to develop their English skills. On the other hand, students who learn Russian as a foreign language lack this opportunity. 

However, some Russian people argueRussian is easier to learn as a foreign language than English because it does not have so many dialects as English does. I do not agree with that. When students learn the most spread English, they will understand the other dialects.

To conclude, I strongly believe that English is easier to learn as a foreign language than Russian. There are more materials for learning English than Russian and more opportunities to practice it.

(234 words)

Эссе 2

Learning foreign languages is always hard work. However, learning a native language is not easy too.  Some people think that it is easier for Russian schoolchildren to learn Russian in comparison to English. Other people think that   English as a school subject is easier than Russian.

I support the first viewpoint. The main reason is that Russian children live in the Russian speaking environment. They speak the language everywhere: at school and at home, when travelling around and relaxing. Moreover, they read books in Russian and watch films in Russian. Also, all the subjects are taught in Russian at school.  As a result, they learn the language every minute either actively in Russian classes at school, or passively in everyday life. On the contrary, the time for learning the English language is restricted to two or three hours a week.

On the other hand, many people believe that English as a school subject is easier than Russian because its grammar does not have as many exceptions as the Russian grammar does. I do not agree with that. When students learn a foreign language besides grammar rules they have to master all the aspects of the language such as word formation, pronunciation and understanding the language. As I mentioned before, this can be done the best in this language speaking environment.

To conclude,  I totally agree with the opinion that it is easier for Russian schoolchildren to learn Russian in comparison to English because they live and study in the Russian speaking environment.

(252 words)



Эссе 1 и 2 отвечают на один и тот же вопрос, но  дают разную трактовку данного  вопроса. Они  являются хорошими примерами  того, как  необходимо отвечать на вопрос, формулировка которого является слишком общей и размытой. Оба эссе логичны и последовательны;   аргументы прекрасно объясняют и поддерживают  точку зрения автора.

Сочинение ЕГЭ английский язык будет написано целостным, легко читаемым и логичным, при условии,  если введена более узкая трактовка слишком неясного и общего вопроса  эссе и  установлены ключевые слова этого вопроса.